Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3116
My suspicions were correct, after having played through close to 40% of Half Life 2, its impact on me is not as great as it would have been had I not spent my first several days of ownership benchmarking it. It is still fun but I'm just not dying to play it every free moment I have, which is a shame, I absolutely love it when I've got a game that I can't put down.
In any case, I've been working on another article that has taken precedence over Part 3 of the HL2 coverage for now. The problem is that I'm having incredible issues with my test beds for this particular article, which is becoming more and more frustrating. Everytime I think I have a solution in sight, things just get worse. I'll be able to explain all of this in much greater detail when I publish the article.
It's time to get back to the frustration that I call my testbeds...